Always Once Again Refuse to Bow Down Refuse to Be Black Label Society

Democrats have passed a resolution in which they have framed religious liberty as a risk to ceremonious rights. The Democratic National Commission unanimously passed this resolution in a meeting in San Francisco on Aug. 24.

The Secular Coalition of America spearheaded this act which represents atheists, agnostics, and humanists and assists these groups in regards to policies. The values embraced past religiously unaffiliated Americans were praised within the Democratic Party. The nearly prominent religious group within the left is religiously unaffiliated American citizens.

Democrats rejoiced as this meant that for the first time, a leading political party "embraced American nonbelievers." The resolution stated in part, "Religiously unaffiliated Americans overwhelmingly share the Democratic Party's values."

The resolution indicated that 70 percent of "religiously unaffiliated" Americans voted Democrat and cover the values that the Democrat Party hold.

I of the directors of the Secular Coalition of American, Sarah Levin, said the goal was for policy to be acquired through science instead of sectarian beliefs.

In the resolution, it claims that nonreligious Americans accept been victims of bias and exclusion throughout American society. It argues that organized religion has dominated policymaking which has created an unfair set on against atheists, minorities, and the LGBT customs.

Evangelicals solidified President Trump'southward 2016 election, and so this group is on the left's hit list. Approximately 80 percent of evangelical Christians voted for Trump in the 2016 electorate. Since his inauguration, many Christians have been very pleased with the president's accomplishments, and promises kept thus far. Whether information technology be the judges he has appointed, pro-life policies, and his continued support of State of israel, it seems prophylactic to say that his evangelical poll will simply thrive.

"We are fighting for all Americans, and nosotros are embracing the faith community," Trump said to a crowd at a rally. "When I asked for your support in 2016, Americans of religion were under assault. But the shameful effort to suppress religious believers concluded the solar day I took the adjuration of office."

Barak Obama's former religion adviser during 2012, sharply criticizes this resolution that aims to degrade Christians and those with conservative behavior. Michael Wear, who served on one of Obama's religion-based initiatives, was non pleased with the decision. Wear called this blatantly ambitious move politically stupid and suggests that it volition only hinder Democrats from receiving any religious voter back up.

"Trump is admittedly going to run this into the ground, and non just with white evangelicals," Vesture stated.

Christian persecution around the globe is a stark contrast to the United States. Yet, American Christians are facing more than discrimination by the Democrat Party at an abundantly alarming rate.

Just recently, a church in the San Diego area was trashed due to its opposition to elevate queens reading books to children at public libraries. The church was resistant to "Drag Queen Storytime." These are taxpayer-funded events where men clothes up in drag and associate with children. For the past few years, these story hours have become more than and more popular in big liberal cities.

One of the goals is to engage the children in the play of gender fluidity and to have them exposed to queer role models. At one of these events, a drag queen was captured on video teaching the children how to twerk and trip the light fantastic like strippers.

Most Democrats' world views are directly opposed to that of a biblical perspective. Christianity often gets associated with the Republican Party, which is frequently criticized by the left. Yet, the Democrats have fabricated information technology exuberantly clear that Christian morals and values have no place within their political party.

The Autonomous Party continues to ostracize Christians and so mock their back up of President Trump. If Christians show support of traditional matrimony, they are labeled homophobic bigots. The resolution stated that 80 percentage of religiously unaffiliated Democrats back up aforementioned-sexual activity marriage. When abortion is opposed, the term "hating women" comes into play.

The Secular Coalition of America is heavily backing demeaning Christian values and criticizing Americans of faith. This group continues to grow and anteroom on behalf of atheists.

Religious freedom is under set on at a stronger level than e'er in American history. Just basing off the type of language used by Democrats to describe Christians, they brand it announced that they are the most privileged religious grade in the world. Several studies show that Christians are the about persecuted religious grouping in the world every bit a whole. Reaching near genocide levels, news Christian persecution is continued to be stifled and is not beingness confronted.

In the Eye Due east, Christianity faces the existent threat of being wiped out completely. Christians in Nigeria are standing to be slaughtered in unprecedented numbers, just yet the media has failed to highlight this ever-growing ending.

A study has published that the well-nigh-harassed religious grouping, Christianity, is facing oppression in 143 countries currently. An ample reason for this is said to be the increased authorities restrictions put on religious practices and the stifling of beliefs.

While American Christians have had information technology pretty good upwardly until this signal, it is clear to see that more persecution from the left is a probable probability. Americans take much fewer religious restrictions comparatively to the residual of the world. However, that is irresolute, and more and more American Christians realize the reality of what may be to come is this event is not addressed.

Religious liberty is arguably one of the most important staples of the United states of america. Watching this freedom being stolen away is a tragedy that is agreed upon simply non only Christians but for any other freedom-loving citizen. While the Democratic Party feverishly touts the concept of tolerance and acceptance, the reality is that they do not want information technology to extend to Christians.

It is now at a critical point where Christians can unify and uphold their rights or keep to permit religious freedoms be swept away. The government does not rule our organized religion.

Originally published at Patriots Of The Lord.

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