9 Month Old Wont Finger Feed Himself

When Should My 9 Month Old Start Self-feeding?

Updated on February 26, 2009

J.K. asks from Cuyahoga Falls, OH

8 answers

Hi Moms! I have a question about finger foods and self-feeding. About how old was your child when he/she started to pick up food and put it into his/her mouth? My almost 9 month old will eat just about anything I give him, but he still hasn't managed to get it into his mouth himself. I still have to feed him everything. I put foods, such as puffs, cheese, fruit slices, etc. onto his tray for him to practice, but no dice. Any suggestions? Am I rushing him? Thanks!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi Jen,

I started my daughter quicker than with my son, probably 7-8 months. I think you are fine. Just keep giving him what you are giving him. Especially if he is eating it!! Practice makes perfect. Good luck.



answers from Indianapolis on

All my kids had pea-size bits of food on their tray at 6 months old. I'd spoon-feed them and then end the meal with some finger foods. They didn't eat much the first couple weeks because it takes time to practice the fine motor skills needed to pick up the food. The more chances they have to practice, the sooner they learn. All my kids were amost 100% self-feeding (with fingers - they didn't attempt spoons until closer to birthday) by 8-9 months old. Once they got the hang of feeding themselves, they shunned the spoon and resisted all attempts for someone to spoon-feed them.

Many childhood experts and doctors say the goal is to have them 100% self-feeding (with fingers, mastering the spoon and fork come later) by the 1st birthday.

And no, they don't need any teeth to eat 'real' food. Babies can gum just about anything. And just about anything is 'finger food' - including stuff like cottage cheese (yes it's messy but babies and chairs and floors are washable). None of my kids had a tooth until a week or so after their 1st birthday. Most babies who have teeth before their birthday don't use them to chew anyways... few babies have molars.



answers from Columbus on

Hi Jen,

Is it just with food that he is not using his hands or is he trying to pick things up and practicing the two finger pinch in other areas? I would start looking at how he uses his hands, offering all kinds of opportunities for him to use them and pick things up. Food is generally the thing that gets them practicing this skill, so I would consider consulting your state early development agency (in ohio, it is Help me Grow) or an occupational therapist to be sure that you get him any help he may need as early as possible.




answers from Canton on

does dont put it on his tray put it in his hands.he/she hold their own bottle??every child developes differently.



answers from Indianapolis on

Mine were around 8 months I think. Start with Cherios. They will stick to his fingers when they are wet from his mouth. Just keep things in front of him and don't feed him so much, he'll figure it out:)



answers from Indianapolis on

Hi I also have a 9 month old and yesterday was the first time her "self fed" I gave him a half of a banana and he was able to hold it and suck on it and chew it. Is was a huge success! I just kept a close eye on him so I knew he wasn't choking. I too wonder what foods I can give him so he can learn to self feed. I am going to try gram crackers next. Let me know if you hear any good suggestions! (PS I also have a 2 year old!)



answers from Youngstown on

Hi Jen....I just started my 7 month old on puffs yesterday and she picked them right up and put them in her mouth. She also attemps to feed herself with her spoon. She will grab the spoon off me when I am feeding her, and she will put the spoon in her own mouth. The food gets everywhere of course, but I let her anyway.

I don't know if your son is behind or not...or how to get him to feed himself. I just wanted to answer your question on how old mine was when she fed herself. They say boys are slower than girls...so maybe for a boy he is right on track? I don't know, but maybe your peditrician would be able to tell you what is normal. Call the office and talk to a nurse. Either way....good luck to you!



answers from Indianapolis on

Jen! I love this question! I have two boys and my first was eating finger food by 8 mos. My second I worried about because he didnt catch on as quick. I would put things on his tray and then make whatever I was feeding him. Honestly though at 9 months both my kids, whether I fed them or they picked it up, were eating small pieces of soft foods, like Gerber graduates fruits and veggies or just canned without salt.. I would just cut them up if they came in a can. Just give it time though, he will get the hang of it!!


Source: https://www.mamapedia.com/article/when-should-my-9-month-old-start-self-dash-feeding

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